Who is “El Cambiante?”

Who is “El Cambiante?”

Upon reflecting upon myself for many years, I always wanted to find a term that best describes my character.

The term, “El Cambiante” is Spanish for, “The Changeling.”

I chose this term for the definition of myself in a few words that would symbolize and provide insightful thought to those who would hear the utterance of this term by myself, upon having asked me, “what best describes you?”

Everyone has there own subjective definition of change. Some view it as a catastrophic and negative concept, regardless of the context to where it is applied; whether it be work, play or just life in general.

I chose to believe change as a positive and necessary aspect of life. Change is coupled with the word evolution in my regard, and the two are inseparable when uttering either of the words.

The most obvious animal that probably best exemplifies using change as a normal and necessary aspect of life is the chameleon. The chameleon survives because it knows that it must adapt to every situation very differently in terms of the color of it’s skin in order to hunt prey, or escape being preyed upon.

In the Western world, we have become so engrossed in our individuality that we fail to accommodate any other perspective because we feel so entitled to believe in our own, not knowing that this entitlement forces us to become limited and otherwise obsolete to our use in the world.

By incorporating the nature of the chameleon, I have discovered that I can survive and survive well by adapting to the world around me. This doesn’t mean I necessarily conform, but in order for the flow of the world to continue, I understand what must be done versus what ideally should be done.

This is just a generic, superficial description of this topic. It is a much deeper life concept I have adapted that cannot be explained in one page alone. This is just an introduction to who and why I am “El Cambiante.”